Marketing- An Introduction (GE) 13-e

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底下是 Marketing- An Introduction (GE) 13-e 的內容簡介
1.Guide Student’s Learning
The Marketing Journey presents five major Customer Value and Engagement themes. The innovative customer value framework uses is a five-step marketing process model:
(1)Creating value for customers in order to capture value from customers in return
(2)Customer engagement and today’s digital and social media
(3)Building and managing strong, value-creating brands
(4)Measuring and managing return on marketing
(5)Sustainable marketing around the globe
2.Encourage Students to Apply Concepts
Marketing at Work highlights provide countless in-depth, real-life examples and stories from Netflix, Google, Amazon, Nike, Harley-Davidson, and more, which engage students with basic marketing concepts and bring the marketing journey to life. Every chapter contains a First Stop opening story plus Marketing at Work highlight features that reveal the drama of modern marketing.
作者: Gary Armstrong, Kotler Philip, Opresnik Marc Oliver
新功能介紹- 出版社:華泰文化
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2016/06/08
- 語言:英文
商品網址: Marketing- An Introduction (GE) 13-e

商品網址: 博客來書局 Marketing- An Introduction (GE) 13-e
