International Business- The New Realities (GE) 4-e
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底下是 International Business- The New Realities (GE) 4-e 的內容簡介
International Business: The New Realities caters to a millennial student audience, the most diverse and educated generation to date. The book speaks to students of the technological age, facing a diverse and evolving economic environment fueled by the Internet and multimedia sources. By addressing issues such as the competitive job market and challenges faced by advanced economies, the text preps students for international business in our modern world.
The Fourth Edition plays on millennials’ characteristics to engage them in the material. This includes their reliance on technology, their drive towards achievement and helping their communities, and their desire to obtain skills they can apply towards meaningful jobs. The authors understand what motivates millennial students and builds on their goals to help students obtain successful careers in international business.
作者: S. Tamer Cavusgil, Knight Gary, Riesenberger John
新功能介紹- 出版社:華泰文化
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2016/06/07
- 語言:英文
: International Business- The New Realities (GE) 4-e
▲攝影師拍下災區中的感人畫面。(圖/由Noelle Mills Photography提供授權,請勿隨意翻拍,以免侵權,下同)
颶風哈維(Harvey)上月重創德州休士頓,帶來慘烈洪水。不過,攝影師米爾斯(Noelle Mills)卻捕捉到溫馨畫面,她拍下才剛出生10天、從災區中獲救的小寶寶,身上還穿著寫有「我在颶風哈維中活了下來」的衣服,讓網友大讚太可愛了。
據《每日電訊報》(The Telegraph)報導,當時一名善心人士協助將名為霍普(Hope Chimeno)的寶寶與她的家人帶到船上,成功救了這個家庭。感人的一幕剛好被米爾斯拍了下來,「能夠為這家人紀錄這個畫面,絕對是我的榮幸。」
International Business- The New Realities (GE) 4-e